Englisch Refresher Consolidation 3 (B1)
This course is designed for those who have completed the Refresher 3 (B1) course and for those who have placed at the level Refresher Consolidation (B1) on the placement test. Pair and group work, listening, reading and writing exercises and meaningful grammar activities or games will help you to put your knowledge into action and to include new expressions and useful structures.
The grammar topics will be filled with life through exercises and discussions about all kinds of interesting and relevant everyday topics.
Englisch Refresher Consolidation 3 (B1)
Claudia Körmeling
€ 234,00 / ermäßigt € 177,00 / mit Hannover-Aktiv-Pass € 54,00
- Mo. 02.06.25 08:30–16:30 Uhr
- Di. 03.06.25 08:30–16:30 Uhr
- Mi. 04.06.25 08:30–16:30 Uhr
- Do. 05.06.25 08:30–16:30 Uhr
- Fr. 06.06.25 08:30–14:00 Uhr
40 UStd.
Max. 14 Teilnehmer*innen
Bitte kein Lehrbuch kaufen: Es wird mit freien Materialien gearbeitet.