Wirtschaftsenglisch: Successful Communication in Business (B1-B2)
Give your Business English a Boost!
Do you want to be more confident when speaking English with your international colleagues and business contacts? Do you want to broaden your Business English skills and get familiar with successful strategies for business communication? Or do you just want to refresh your Business English?
Then this course is right for you: For one week, we’ll discuss and practise effective and successful communication for the following areas:
- Introductions
- Small Talk
- Telephoning (+ Telephone conferences)
- E-mail Communication (Formal and informal register)
- Presentations (job profile, company profile …)
Be ready for discussions, role-plays, simulations and teamwork.
All this will happen in a relaxed atmosphere with plenty of opportunities for exchanging experiences with your colleagues.
I hope I’ll meet you at the Bildungsverein soon.
Wirtschaftsenglisch: Successful Communication in Business (B1-B2)
Beate D. Pfeiffer
(Business English Trainerin; Business Deutsch Trainerin; Intercultural Trainerin)
€ 271,00 / ermäßigt € 205,00 / mit Hannover-Aktiv-Pass € 54,00
- Mo. 30.06.25 08:30–16:30 Uhr
- Di. 01.07.25 08:30–16:30 Uhr
- Mi. 02.07.25 08:30–16:30 Uhr
- Do. 03.07.25 08:30–16:30 Uhr
- Fr. 04.07.25 08:30–14:00 Uhr
40 UStd.
Max. 14 Teilnehmer*innen